
Monday, 27 October 2014

The Italian Holidays - Archaeological Museum #1

Herkules Farnese / Farnese Hercules
Ciao! So after wandering the streets of Napoli for some hours, we reached our destination, the National Archaeological Museum. There they have most of the artefacts discovered in Herculaneum and Pompeii on display, so it totally completes your visit to these two excavation sites.
//Ciao! Nachdem wir durch die napolitanischen Strassen gewandert sind, hatten wir nach einigem Umherirren unser Ziel, das Archäologische Nationalmuseum (homepage,wikipedia), erreicht. Dort sind auch die meisten Artefakte aus den Ausgrabungsorten Pompeji und Herculaneum ausgestellt, die die Besuche dieser Orte somit komplettieren.
Lare Farnese - (from Terme/Bath di Caracalla, Rome)
"Achilles and Troilus" or "Neoptolemus and Astianax" - from Bath of Caracalla
Farnesian Bull
Farnesian Hercules
Marcus Aurelius
Statue of a River God
‘Cave canem’ (beware of the dog) mosaic - Casa di Orfeo, Pompeji
'Cockfight' - House of the Labyrinth, Pompeji
'Musicians'from the House of Cicero, Pompeii(another description)
'Choregos and actors'  From the House of the Tragic Poet (VI, 8, 3), Pompeii
Memento Mori - House cum workshop, Pompeji
'Doves' & 'Lion' - Pompeji
'Lion' - Casa del Centauro, Pompeji
Portrait of a woman - Pompeji
Fish Mosaic - House of the dancing Faun, Pompeji
Nile flora and fauna - House of the Faun, Pompeji
'theatrical masks' &'cupid or young Dionysos riding a tiger' , the House of the Faun, Pompeii
Dancing Faun - House of the Faun, Pompeii
Alexander Mosaic - House of the Faun, Pompeii
Fresco depicting Polyphemus and Galatea(right) - House of the Ancient Hunt, Pompeji
Fresco depicting Nilotic landscape with pygmies - Pompeji
Freschi with erotic scenes - Caupona of Donatus and Verpus & Suburban Baths, Pompeii
Mercurius-Priapus - Pompeji

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