//In the gardens there are some small buildings to visit. At first we stopped at the Chinese House.
Showing posts with label Berlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Berlin. Show all posts
Monday, 11 August 2014
Berlin Day 2 - The Gardens of Sanssouci Part 2
In der riesigen Parkanlage des Schlosses befinden sich noch einige kleinere Gebäude und Schlösser, die man besichtigen kann. Zuerst kamen wir am Chinesischen Haus vorbei.
//In the gardens there are some small buildings to visit. At first we stopped at the Chinese House.

//In the gardens there are some small buildings to visit. At first we stopped at the Chinese House.
Saturday, 9 August 2014
Berlin Day 2 - The Gardens of Sanssouci Part 1
Ola! Heute folgt der letzte Teil meines Berlinaufenthalts. Endlich! Und zwar komme ich zu den Gärten des Schlosses Sanssouci. Man kann locker 2 Tage einbauen, wenn man sich das ganze Areal inklusive sämtlicher Bauten in Ruhe anschaut und nicht wie wir, mal wieder komplett unter Zeitdruck steht. Denn unser Flieger startete ungefähr 5 Stunden später und wir mussten noch aus dem Hotel auschecken und unsere Koffer dort abholen.
Ola! Now follows the last part of my Berlin-trip. Finally! And I show you the pictures from the gardens of Sanssouci. You can easily spent 2 days there, if you want to visit the whole area with all its buildings.(for more information click here). We were under pressure of time and we only had 5 hours until our flight's departure and we also had to check out of the hotel and pick up our bags.
Ola! Now follows the last part of my Berlin-trip. Finally! And I show you the pictures from the gardens of Sanssouci. You can easily spent 2 days there, if you want to visit the whole area with all its buildings.(for more information click here). We were under pressure of time and we only had 5 hours until our flight's departure and we also had to check out of the hotel and pick up our bags.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Outfit of the day - Schloss Sanssouci
Ciao! Da ich keine richtigen Outfitfotos an unserem 2. Tag in Berlin bzw. Potsdam geschossen habe, heute ein kleiner nachgestellter 'Outfit-of-the-day'-post. Ich trage mein zur Zeit allerliebstes Lieblingsshirt. Wer meine früheren Museumsbesuche verfolgt hat, weiss, dass ich ein totaler Dinosaurierfan bin. Und dann ist ja wohl auch klar, dass 'Jurassic Park' zu meinen All-time-favorite-Filmen gehört. Ich bin fast ausgeflippt, als ich das Shirt bei Primark entdeckt habe und bereue jetzt, dass ich mir nicht noch 2-3 auf Vorrat mitgenommen habe.
//Ciao! Because I didn't take any proper outfitphotos on our second day in Berlin/ Potsdam, today a re-staged 'outfit-of-the-day. I'm wearing my favorite tshirt at the moment. Who watched my latest visits to the museums, already knows, that I'm a huge dinosaur-fan. So it's no surprise that 'Jurassic Parc' is one of my all-time-favorite-movies. And when I saw this shirt at Primark I almost freaked out. Now I regret not buying 2 or 3 ahead.
Tshirt: Primark/ Skirt & Necklace: H&M/ Shoes & Sunglasses: italian market
//Ciao! Because I didn't take any proper outfitphotos on our second day in Berlin/ Potsdam, today a re-staged 'outfit-of-the-day. I'm wearing my favorite tshirt at the moment. Who watched my latest visits to the museums, already knows, that I'm a huge dinosaur-fan. So it's no surprise that 'Jurassic Parc' is one of my all-time-favorite-movies. And when I saw this shirt at Primark I almost freaked out. Now I regret not buying 2 or 3 ahead.
Tuesday, 29 July 2014
Berlin - Day 2 - Schloss Sanssouci
An Tag 2 hatten wir nur ein Ziel vor Augen: Potsdam und speziell Schloss Sanssouci. Wir hatten wirklich die Ausmaße des Schlossbereiches unterschätzt und hätten fast 2 Tage einplanen müssen. Das Schloss selber lässt sich in ungefähr einer Stunde besichtigen. Ich liebe Barock- und Rokokoschlösser über alles und Versailles in der Nähe von Paris ist eh eins meiner liebsten Orte auf der Welt und dieses Schloss mit seinen gerade einmal 10 zu besichtigenden "Räumen" ist sozusagen eine Miniausgabe.
//On day 2 we only had one aim in mind: Potsdam with its Palace Sanssouci. If we knew how large the grounds were, we would have planned 2 days. I love Baroque and Rococo Palaces and Versailles near Paris is one of my favorite places in the world. One can say Schloss Sanssouci is a miniature version with only 10 rooms to visit, but equally beautiful.

//On day 2 we only had one aim in mind: Potsdam with its Palace Sanssouci. If we knew how large the grounds were, we would have planned 2 days. I love Baroque and Rococo Palaces and Versailles near Paris is one of my favorite places in the world. One can say Schloss Sanssouci is a miniature version with only 10 rooms to visit, but equally beautiful.
Monday, 28 July 2014
Berlin - Part 4 - Fernsehturm
//Last stop of the day: The Tv Tower. Another must-see-highlight that we wanted to cross off. Although we already knew, that it would be hard to top the incredible view of the Empire State Building, but we wanted to give it a chance.Unfortunately it was a little disappointing.The view is quiet bad at night, because of the inclined windows.
Friday, 18 July 2014
Berlin - Wandering around town Part 2
//...after the David-Bowie-Exibitionfail we had to go back where we started from. And fortunately it wasn't dark yet, so we had the chance to take some cool pics infront of the Brandenburger Tor.
//Then we went to the Reichstag, because we wanted to visit the dome, but once again it was too late and the ticket office was already closed.
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Berlin - Part 3 - Wandering around town
Um unseren "Museumstag" mit einem Paukenschlag zu beenden, wollten wir uns noch die David Bowie Ausstellung reinziehen. Und so sind wir dann zur nächsten (gefühlte 2 Kilometer entfernten) Ubahnstation gewalked um zum Potsdamer Platz zu fahren.
//To end our "museum-day" with a bang, we had planned to visit the David Bowie exibition. So we walked to the nearest tubestation (which was probably 2 km away) and drove to the Potsdamer Platz, because...
Die Ausstellung befindet sich im Martin-Gropius-Bau. Ich hatte nur gelesen, dass sie bis 20 Uhr geöffnet ist. Dass aber die Kasse schon eineinhalb Stunden vorher schliesst, hatte ich überlesen und als wir dann exakt 3 Minuten nach halb 7 dort Tickets kaufen wollten, sagte man uns, dass die Kasse schon zu sei. Wtf?
//...the exibition is at the Martin-Gropius-Bau. I remembered that it was open until 8pm, but I didn't read that the cash desk closes about an hour and a half earlier. So when we arrived exactly at 18:33, they didn't sell us tickets anymore.
//To end our "museum-day" with a bang, we had planned to visit the David Bowie exibition. So we walked to the nearest tubestation (which was probably 2 km away) and drove to the Potsdamer Platz, because...
Die Ausstellung befindet sich im Martin-Gropius-Bau. Ich hatte nur gelesen, dass sie bis 20 Uhr geöffnet ist. Dass aber die Kasse schon eineinhalb Stunden vorher schliesst, hatte ich überlesen und als wir dann exakt 3 Minuten nach halb 7 dort Tickets kaufen wollten, sagte man uns, dass die Kasse schon zu sei. Wtf?
//...the exibition is at the Martin-Gropius-Bau. I remembered that it was open until 8pm, but I didn't read that the cash desk closes about an hour and a half earlier. So when we arrived exactly at 18:33, they didn't sell us tickets anymore.
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