Showing posts with label Gallipoli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gallipoli. Show all posts

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Gallipoli again

New evening, new luck. And again in Gallipoli. But if you just want to stroll around, this city is super nice, because you can choose from so many restaurants and bars, you will always find a nice place to eat. And afterwards you can also do a little souvenier shopping and enoy the sea air.When we are by the sea, we always use the opportunity to eat a lot of seafood, as we did that evening too. And because there is also an ice cream parlor, which is open all night long, we took a dessert too.

Neuer Abend, neues Glück. Und wieder in Gallipoli. Aber das Städtchen ist schon ganz nett, mit einigen Restaurants, Bars und Geschäften. Also wenn man nur gechilled durch die Straßen laufen möchte, ist dies immer eine Option. Wenn man am Meer ist muss man es natürlich auch ausnutzen und so oft wie möglich frischen Fisch essen, was mir auch zuerst getan haben. Und da es eine Eiscafe gibt, die sogar bis mitten in die Nacht auf hat, dufte ein Nachtisch natürlich auch nicht fehlen.

Thursday, 13 September 2018

They didn't know what to do ...

... so they walked around and took some outfitphotos by the beach. 
When you travel at the end of summer, it may not be as busy and packed with tourist, so you can enjoy everything so much more and don't always have to wait an hour to get ,for example, an icecream. On the other hand, you don't have parties or festivals each day. But we don't have the energy to party every night anyways.;) But even if you just go to a restaurant or just walk around aimlessly and just get a Crêpe, it is always fun to dress up every evening while on holidays.

 ... sind wir herumspaziert und haben ein paar Outfitfotosgemacht.
Wenn man am Ende des Sommers verreist, sind die Städte nicht mehr so vollgestopft mit Touristen, so dass man nicht mehr eine Stunde für ein Eis anstehen muss. Andererseits gibt es auch nicht mehr jeden Tag Veranstaltungen, so dass man sich manchmal mit einem Restaurantbesuch zufrieden geben muss. Trotzdem gehört es für mich im Urlaub einfach dazu, mich jeden Abend aufzubrezeln, auch wenn man wie wir an dem Abend einfach nur zum Crêpestand geht und dann am Strand ein paar Fotos macht.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Adventures in Puglia Pt 1

The most important components during my holidays are definitely these three: sightseeing, a beautiful and clear sea and an interesting nightlife. After we did a lot of sightseeing in Naples, we were ready for some chilling at the beach and parties. So we traveled to another region of Italy, Puglia and to the hometown of half of my family, Gallipoli, which is best known for their beaches and nightlife. And because I go there since I was little, it always feels like coming home. And one thing, we think about all year long, is the delicious fried fish and so we did this on our first night out. And with a full stomach we then went to the old town and drank some cocktail on the promenade.