
Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Paris - Outfit Day 1 - Parisian Chic

Travelling and sightseeing vs. instagrammable outfits. Always a struggle. And I have told you many times before, the shoes are always the main problem, because when you walk for hours, there is no way you can wear high heels, which of course would make an outfit look instantly better (perfect). So if you see a blogger's outfitpics with high heels, who is on a citytrip, then she is just pretending to do sightseeing and 100% fake.(Or walks around with a bag of shoes in it to change). Because the high heels with which you can walk several kilometers still have to be invented. So always wear (white) sneakers or flat boots in neutral colours, because you can combine them easily with my traveloutfit-tip number 1: dresses! You don't have to think about combinations in the morning or have to change a hundred times to feel good (unless you have already styled your outfits at home and test-wore them (tip number2). But the easiest way is, to just put a dress on, your accessories and jewelry and that's it. And of course a backpack with a jacket and/or a warm knitpiece inside for the evening.

By the way, here we are on the terrace of the Musée d´Orsay with a view on the Seine, the Louvre and Jardin des Tuileries.

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Paris - Day 1 - Musée d’Orsay

Regarding art, of course I have my preferences, like my favorite epochs such as the egyptian and roman ancient times, the renaissance and the baroque period, but I'm always open to new or different things. So highly influenced by the good reviews on tripadvisor (it is currently the number one recommandation in Paris) we chose Musée d’Orsay as our first location to visit on our first full day. The museum is mainly focussed on that period between 1848 and 1914  including paintings, sculptures, furniture, and photography and is the largest and most important collection of  
impressionist and post-Impressionist masterpieces in the world with pieces from the most famous artists of that time such as Monet, Renoir, Gauguin und Van Gogh. We have to admit, the most impressing part for us was the architecture of that building, which was a railway station until 1939. It is also amazing to see all those masterpieces in real life once, since we've seen them many times on tv or online like Vincent van Goghs Selfportrait or Gauguins Tahitian Women on the Beach. So I can definitelly recommend this museum, even though, for us, it didn't amaze us and we prefer the Louvre, but it is, without a question,  a matter of taste.

Friday, 17 January 2020

Vienna - Day 3 - Schönbrunn Palace Gardens

Schönbrunn Palace, once again a place in Vienna, where it wasn't allowed to take photos and therefore I can't remember much, since my nickname is 10-seconds-Laura. And also from this you can  tell, that I was missing that wow-moment and was a bit underwhelmed, since I always compare palaces from the baroque era to the prime example, Versailles. The gardens are also huge and the highlight is definitely the Gloriette, a building on a hill, which was used as a dining- and banquett hall by the Habsburgs. From there you have an amazing view over the garden, the palace and Vienna. Also, the fountains, like the obelisk fountain and the artificial roman ruins are fascinating, since they are so unique.

Schloss Schönbrunn, wieder einmal ein Ort an dem man nicht fotografieren durfte, weswegen ich mich auch fast gar nicht erinnern kann. Ich weiß nur, dass ich mir mehr erhofft hatte, denn wenn man immer Versailles, das Paradebeispiel eines Barockschlosses, als Vergleich nimmt, dann enttäuscht einen fast alles. Enttäuscht ist auch das falsche Wort, aber mir fehlte der Wow-Moment innerhalb des Schlosses. In den Gärten dufte man zum Glück wieder knipsen, was ich bei dem wundervollen Wetter natürlich direkt ausnutzen musste. Die Gärten sind sehr weitläufig und die Highlights sind definitiv der Obeliskbrunnen und die Römische Ruine, so wie die Gloriette, welche, auf einem Hügel gelegen, einen super Ausblick über das Schloss und das Umland bietet.

Monday, 6 January 2020

Vienna - Day 3 - His & Her Outfit

Castle Schönbrunn is probably on every tourist's list while visiting Vienna and on mine it was right on top and strongly underlined, because you know, I'm a great lover of the baroque period. So this was our destination on day three and we unintenionally wore matching pink outfits. And I again chose my failsafe-traveloutfit (in spring and autumn) consisting of jeans, a tshirt and boots, which are the easiest to combine and to spice up with some accessories.

Schloss Schönbrunn steht wahrscheinlich auf der Liste jeden Wientouris und bei mir als Barockfanatic natürlich ganz oben und fett unterstrichen. Also ging es an Tag 3 für uns natürlich dorthin und das im rosa Partnerlook. Natürlich zufällig, weil alles andere doch wirklich zu kitschig wäre. Und mir fiel mal wieder auf, dass ich im Frühling, Herbst und Winter doch immer zu meinem failsafe-traveloutfit greife, das da wäre: Jeans, Tshirt und Boots. Einfach easy zu kombinieren und mit ein paar Accessoires leicht aufzupimpen.

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Vienna Day 2 - Sunny Day

Since we could already tick one sight off from our to-do-list that day, which was the Treasury, we just wanted to walk around and explore the city in full sunshine including the St. Stephen's Cathedral. Then we had dinner at the Ofenloch, a restaurant, which I can highly recommend, ate some viennesse classics like Schnitzel, fried chicken and Kaiserschmarrn again und later on walked to the Prater, a larger public amusement park.

Da wir für diesen Tag ja bereits eine Sehenswürdigkeit, die Schatzkammer, von unseren To-do-Liste streichen konnten, haben wir dann bei schönsten Sonnenschein die Stadt zu Fuß erkundet inklusive Stephansdom. Dann ging es wieder Schnitzel und Brathendl essen im Ofenloch, einem Restaurant, welches ich sehr empfehlen kann und danach weiter zum Prater.

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Vienna Outfit No.2 - My little Pony

There are days, when even I don't care much about some outfitpics. This is, of course, when I don't feel that amazing, like on that day, when we partied too much the other night. You just want to function and get done as much sightseeing as possible, even though you are super hungover. But often just the beginning of the day is hard and after eating, drinking coffee and walking around and getting distracted, you feel better and better by the minute. So I managed to do some quick snaps from my jeans-tshirt-leatherjacket-sightseeinguniform. But since then I got wiser, because you always have to have a pair of sunglasses with you, so you can hide your tired eyes behind them.

Es gibt Tage, da ist sogar mir nicht nach Outfitfotoknipsen - naja, ist klar, wenn man die halbe Nacht gefeiert hat und man einfach zu fertig ist, um vernünftig zu posen und auch dementsprechend scheiße aussieht. Man probiert einfach zu funktionieren und sightseeingmäßig noch das Beste aus dem Tag zu holen. Aber für ein paar Fotos hat es an dem Tag dann doch gereicht... Aber mittlerweile bin ich schlauer, denn man sollte immer eine Sonnenbrille dabei haben, um seine müden Augen dahinter zu verstecken.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Vienna Day Two - The Imperial Treasury

After clubbing almost all night long, since we can never get enough, we continued with museum sightseeing the next day. Who would have thought?!
The Imperial Treasury is located at the Hofburg, but is actually part of the Museum of Fine Arts, which we visited the day before and where we bought a combined ticket for both locations, because I knew, I definitely wanted to see this collection of jewels, since I'm a little magpie.

Nach unserer Partynacht ging es am nächsten Tag natürlich weiter mit Museen, wer hätte es gedacht?! Die Schatzkammer befindet sich zwar in der Hofburg, zählt aber als Abteilung des Kunsthistorischen Museums. Da wir am Tag zuvor in diesem waren, haben wir uns dort gleich ein Kombiticket für beide Museen geholt.