
Friday, 15 February 2019

Palermo - Historical Pearl

When thinking of the city of Palermo, would baroque fountains and palaces come to your mind? I definitely didn't think of that at all, until I visited the city myself. Also, I think you don't see enough positive reports or articles about Sicily either, except it is about the Mafia. 
After our first minutes at the Ballaro market (my previous post) I also had a false impression at first, but that changed quickly. When it comes to the architecture, Palermo is quiet a mix of various cultural epochs, because the city was ruled by Arabs, Normans and Spains, just to name a few, but all left their architectural traces. The city also has many examples for the Sicilian Baroque, a distinctive form of baroque, which arose after a huge earthquake, when cities had to be rebuilt (not Palermo).
So our way led us from the market, which is near the main station, along the Via Marqueda to the Piazza Pretoria, a square with a monumental fountain, originally built in Florence and later relocated to Palermo. The square is right next to the Quattro Canti (four angles), a crossing of two main streets with four concave facades of palaces decorated with colums, statues and fountains and which are a good showpiece for the sicilian baroque.

Friday, 25 January 2019

Palermo - The Ballarò Market

Since my father heard and saw so much about this market, he really wanted to experience it in person one time. Me otherwise, wouldn't have gone there, because I have visited so many italian markets before, that I didn't expect something different or special from this one. Apart from that, my boyfriend and I are no early birds, so maybe we also arrived a bit late. And furthermore there are all these people, who warn you, that this area is very dangerous and criminal und that's why you don't have the best feelings beforehand. I don't want to be too negative, because obviously many people are loving this market and for sure it has a special atmosphere, which some call the real Palermo, but for me it was just a normal italian market with more cons than pros. I mean, if you live in the city for a longer time and want to prepare some italian meals, then you can buy fresh and cheap food there and the especially the fish supply is enormous. Besides, the market doesn't offer something groundbreaking, if you want to buy other stuff. And we ourselfes did experience some not so good things there and felt a bit fooled. It started with some false change, we got from one seller and continued with a sandwich with grilled meat, which was sold to us for more than triple the price (7 Euros instead of 2, which we know, because we asked different other sellers) by an other man. When asking him, if this is the normal price, he got very agressive and wanted to get into an arguement with us. We then tried some octopus, which looked good, but was inedible, also for a relatively high price. I mean, these experiences are just personal and maybe we weren't lucky that day, but for me it was like a tourist trap. Of course we also experienced good things, because we met some really nice sellers and took some photos together. So I would suggest making your own picture and maybe you love it there.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Cefalù - First Impressions & Sicily Food Festival

After spending some days in Catania, we took the train towards Palermo, but with a stopover in Cefalù for some beach vacation, before heading for the next city. And just because my parents were on vacation in Cefalu at the same time, they convinced us to visit Sicily foremost. And we were lucky, that at this time a food festival took place in Cefalu, so we were able to try out delicious, local food and beers. For us it became an italian "beer exchange", as it is called in Germany, which is a beer festival, that takes place every summer in various cities.
But apart from that, the city is the perfect vacation spot with its beautiful cove, a wide range of gastronomic facilities and a great railway connection to explore the region of Palermo.

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Taormina - Like a movie set

Since we did a trip from Catania to Taormina by bus, we just had a few hours to explore the city. We would have loved to stay there all night long, because that's our favorite part of the day, but I think the last bus drove back at 10pm.
The city already became a popular tourist spot in the early 19th century with famous visitors such as  Oscar Wilde, Nicholas I of Russia and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and after visiting I know why.
It is just such a beautiful, little city with so many cute shops and photogenic details to discover in all those alleys. And then you have this magical view, you want to look at for hours. It's like the perfect, typical italian town, that you know from the movies and the cities style is definitely comparable to the chic Amalficoast. 

Da wir nach Taormina mit dem Bus von Catania aus gefahren sind, hatten wir wieder einmal nur begrenzt Zeit. Und da wir uns alles immer stundenlang angucken, wie zuvor das antike Theater oder den Stadtgarten, blieben uns für die Stadt selbst nur knapp 2 Stunden. Aber ich kann verstehen, warum sich die Stadt bereits Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts zu einem touristischen Hotspot mit Besuchern wie Oscar Wilde und Goethe entwickelt hat. Sie ist wie der perfekte, typisch italienische Ort, den man aus Filmen kennt und vom Stil und der Atmosphäre vergleichbar mit den Orten der Amalfiküste. Nicht nur die Aussicht ist magisch und man würde sie sich am liebsten stundenlang anschauen, man kann auch so viele Details an jeder Ecke und jedem Haus entdecken, dass selbst die kleinsten Gässchen photogen sind. Man könnte meinen, die Stadt hätte ein Set-Designer entworfen.


Monday, 17 December 2018

Taormina - Botanical Garden

In the past I wasn't really interested in visiting botanical gardens or parcs, because I thought, what could be interesting in seeing plants and trees? But that was even before I really visited one. Now I changed my mind. I love them. Especially if you have been walking around a busy city before, then it is like being teleported to another world. And in the end you don't want to leave, because you are amazed by how many shades of green exsist or the many flowers and plants, you have never seen before. And actually not that single plant for example is important, it is mostly about the overall picture and the atmosphere you can see and experience.

Früher dachte ich immer Botanische Gärten wären langweilig und sie standen niemals auf meiner To-do-Liste auf Reisen. Man stellt es sich einfach langweilig vor, weil man denkt, 'Bäume und Pflanzen? Was ist daran schon spannend?'. Aber es geht ja eigentlich nicht um die einzelnen Pflanzen, sondern viel mehr um das Gesamtbild und die Atmosphäre. Und am Ende kann man sich gar nicht satt sehen und riechen an den verschiedenen Grüntönen und Düften. Vor allem wenn man vorher durch die quirligen Gassen spaziert ist, fühlt man sich wie in eine andere, ruhigere Welt versetzt.

Thursday, 6 December 2018

Taormina . The Ancient Theater

The ancient amphitheater is probably the city's main attraction, but actually the whole city is an attraction, because almost every corner is photogenic. If you have seen other amphitheaters before, you will notice that it isn't impressive regarding its size, but because of its loaction. The city itself is located on hillside position and the arena is even higher up, so you have the most amazing panoramic view on the coast and landscape. So another great photolocation, hence I had to create a seperate post.:)

Das Antike Amphitheater ist wahrscheinlich die Hauptattraktion der Stadt, wobei die komplette Stadt eigentlich eine Attraktion ist. Wenn man bereits andere Amphitheater gesehen hat, ist dieses in Bezug auf seine Größe nicht allzu beeindruckend, jedoch aber in Bezug auf seine Lage. Da die Stadt selbst in erhöhter Lage an einem Hang liegt und auch das Theater in den Felsen integriert wurde, hat man eine freie Aussicht über die Küste und die Landschaft. 

Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Taormina, you are beautiful

If you are in Catania, you can't miss visiting the beautiful town of Taormina. Situated on a cliff, you have the amazing view over the sea, the coastline and the hilly green landscape. Photos can't even reflect the real beauty with its bright colours. When we arrived we directly went to the amphitheater, which is one of the main sights, but even on our short way, we saw so many instagrammable places, it was hard not to stop and take hundreds of photos. I immediatelly decided, that I had to return with lots of clothes for some outfitshootings.😉 At the moment I saw everyone traveling to the Amalficoast to take some cute Instagrampics, but Taormina is definitely a good alternativ. 
We just stayed a few hours, but I still have so many pics, it is now difficult for me to split them up. So today I start with our first impressions and then we move on to the amphitheater.

Wenn man Catania oder Umgebung ist, sollte man sich auf gar keinen Fall entgehen lassen, Taormina zu besichtigen. Obwohl wir nur einen mehrstündigen Ausflug dorthin gemacht haben, habe ich soviel geknipst, dass es mir schon schwer fällt, diese ganzen Fotos in bestimmte Kategorien und somit verschiedene Blogposts zu unterteilen. Taormina ist so eine fotogene Stadt, dass ich aus dem Fotografieren einfach nicht heraus kam. Auf einem Hügel gelegen und direkt am Meer hat man so eine fantastische Aussicht, das man sich einfach nicht daran satt sehen kann. Ebenso wenig wie von der Altstadt selber, denn an jeder Ecke wartet ein schönes Motiv, das instagrammable ist. Ich habe direkt gesagt, ich muss definitiv wieder kommen um in den Straßen ein paar Outfits abzufotografieren. 😉