
Thursday, 30 November 2017

Warsaw - National Museum

The National Museum in Warsaw is not only the largest in town, but also one of the largest in whole Poland and has nearly 830,000 exhibits on display, starting with ancient pieces, over to medieval sacred art, Gallery of Old Masters with paintings from national and other european artists such as Rembrandt, Botticelli or Renoir and even applied and modern art. So with its different types of art from almost every period of time, it is really diverse. To tell the thruth, I didn't know much about polish art and now I wonder why, because the exibits are as exceptional as the ones from the famous italian or flemish artists. I even found some favorites there like Aleksander Gierymskis "In the bower" or "Strange Garden" by Józef Mehoffer.

Das Nationalmuseum ist Warschau ist nicht nur das größte der Stadt, sondern auch eines der größsten des Landes und verfügt über Ausstellungsstücke unterschiedlicher Epochen, angefangen bei einer  Antikausstellung (die leider während unseres Besuches geschlossen war), über Kirchenkunst aus dem Mittelalter, eine Gemäldesammlung nationaler und ausländischer Künstler, sowie polnische Moderne und Angewandte Kunst. Das Museum ist somit sehr abwechslungsreich gestaltet und für jeden Gechmack ist etwas dabei.
Um die Wahrheit zusagen, wusste ich nicht viel über polnische Kunst, was schon wirklich eine Schande ist, denn die Kunstwerke stehen denen bekannter italienischer oder flämischer Künstler in nichts nach und ich wundere mich, warum manche polnischen Künstler nicht über ihre Landesgrenzen hinaus bekannt sind. Ich habe dort einige Gemälde entdeckt, die jetzt zu meinen liebsten gehören, wie z.B. "In der Gartenlaube" von Aleksander Gierymski oder "Strange Garden" von Józef Mehoffer.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Online Shop Fashion Favorites

Even though summer is my favorite time of the year, the christmas time comes in second. As soon as November starts and it gets really cold outside, I can't wait for the christmas markets to open and the cities to be decorated festively. Then I would also love to adorn myself with sequins and pearls every day, because fashion really affects my mood and I can get into the festive spirit more easily with festive clothes.
In my last 'Favorites Post' I was absolutely disappointed by the items I saw in the shops,but now with the party wear pieces, I am pleased again. 
I also created a wishlist on Amazon with nice pieces I found over there.
You find all the links for every item on my November Pinterest Board.

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Warsaw - Day 2 - Change of Plans

Originally my plan for our second day was to visit the Royal Castle. But because an event was happening there that day, it was closed. So we spontaneously had to make a change of plans. My number one tip while visiting a city is, always make sure to visit a tourist office first. Of course you have to research the main attractions before you travel, but it often happend to us, that the sights unexpectedly changed their opening hours. So we went to the tourist office at the Old Town Market Square and they suggested an alternative nearby. So next stop - National Museum.