Day 2 was a bit of a fail, because the weather wasn't on our side. Actually I wanted to visit the ancient sight of Cuma, but because you can barely find any information about the trains and busses on the internet, we took the train on spec with vague information from a forum. Unfortunatelly the aforesaid bus drove by, which was supposed to leave every other hour and after a one kilometer walk, we didn't even find the busstop. And then in addition it also started to rain heavily and there was thunder and lightning and we had to abandon our plan and drove back to the next bigger town, Pozzuoli. I saw there was also a amphitheater, but when we reached it, it was already closed, one hour prior to the given closing hour. So we then just walked around the historical center with lots of bars and little shops. Here you can find all the sights in Pozzuoli.
Saturday, 20 May 2017
Saturday, 13 May 2017
Naples - Day 1 - Archeological Park at Baia
Today we digitally travel on to Naples, on of my favorite cities. Which is the best word that describes Naples? I would say "authentic", because the city is so full of contrasts. Beauty and ugliness are so close to each other, that you're sometimes shocked. But that's exactly, what fascinates me the most. And of course there are plenty of ancient sights, super nice people and delicious food.
I wonder why these are the first photos on my memory card, because to be true, this is our second day. But can I count the arrival day, when we just got to our hotel and then went to the supermarket? I don't think so. On day 2, which I now call day 1, I wanted to visit Baia, a ancient, luxury beach resort for rich romans. In Naples or I would say, the whole south of Italy, everything isn't as structured and organised as you are used to, when you are, for example (like me) from Germany. So I didn't find any information about the trains or busses on the internet, so we just took the next train in the specific direction and then used Google Maps. We walked uphill and downhill for almost 1 kilometer to find any street sign, which led us to our destination. But that's part of the adventure and you really feel like an explorer. The best part of this complex is definitely the temple of mercury (temple of echoes). With it's lighting, the acoustics inside and the water, it really is a magical place and we would have stayed there for hours, if there hadn't been other tourists.
Here some articles for more information:
Monday, 8 May 2017
Favorites from the online shops #2

The current fashion is right up my alley. If I was a millionar, I would almost buy everything.
I love these ultra feminine pieces with playful accents like ruffles, tulle and lace in pink, yellow and pastel colours. And then there are also these edgy pieces like band-tees with cutouts or destroyed denim. I collected some of my favorite items from last month in my April folder on Pinterest,, which you can find here. And I also created a list on Amazon,with some things I found there.
Die Mode die es zur Zeit in den Läden gibt ist genau nach meinem Geschmack. Entweder super feminin mit Volants, Tüll und Spitze, in Pink, Gelb oder Pastelltönen oder teilweise auch rockig z.B. als Bandtshirt mit Cutouts oder als destroyed denim. Leider bin ich keine Millionärin, sonst würde ich die Läden leerkaufen. Hier also einiger meiner Lieblingsteile aus den Onlineshops aus de vergangenen Monat. Die Links zu jedem Teil findet ihr hier in meinem Pinterestordner. Ausserdem habe ich auch einige Teile auf Amazon gefunden, welche man hier in meinem Ordner finden kann.
Tuesday, 2 May 2017
Last Snaps from Venice
So today we finally leave Venice and travel on to drumroll Naples, one of my favorite cities. A city of contrasts and surprises and suuuuper nice people. And of course there is sooo much to see. But back to Venice. After we visited Ca'Rezzonico, we had to drive to the airport and Venice said goodbye with pouring rain.
Dann reisen wir heute auch endlich aus Venedig ab und fliegen weiter nach ... Neapel, eine meiner Lieblingsstädte überhaupt. Eine Stadt der Kontraste und Überraschungen und suuuper netten Leute. Und natürlich gibt es richtig viel zu besichtigen. Doch zurück nach Venedig. Nach dem Besuch in der Ca' rezzonico mussten wir uns auch auf den Weg in Richtung Flughafen machen und wir wurden mit strömendem Regen verabschiedet.
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Venice Day 4 - Ca' Rezzonico
On our last day in Venice we still had one sight on our agenda, that I found on Tripadvisor, which was the Ca' Rezzonico, a palace from the 18th century and also a museum dedicated to that epoch. The art from that time is one of my favorites, because it's so opulent and lavish. Not only the palace itself is beautiful with its decorations and architecture, but there are also wonderful pieces of furniture, ceramics and an awesome picture gallery. But why not see for yourself?
An unserem letzten Tag in Venedig hatten wir noch eine Sehenswürdigkeit auf unserem Plan, die ich mir zuvor bei Tripadvisor ausgeguckt hatte und zwar die Ca’Rezzonico, einen Palast und Museum des 18. Jahrhunderts. Die Kunst dieses Zeitalters gehört ja zu meinen liebsten, weshalb ich mir diesen Palast unbedingt anschauen wollte. Er ist nicht nur wunderschön an sich, sondern beinhaltet auch tolle Möbel, Einrichtungsgegenstände und eine tolle Gemäldegalerie. Aber seht selbst...
Wednesday, 19 April 2017
Venice - Day 4 - Walking from A to B
The beginning of our next day was a bit of a fail. On the homepage of Venice I read, that there would be a special opening of the Arsenal, which would normally be closed that day. So first we drove to the St Mark's Square to visit the St Mark's Basilica, where, to my displeasure, you aren't allowed to take photos, Then we walked to the Arsenal and spent almost half an hour to find the entry and then it turned out, that there wasn't any opening. So we walked back to our next destination.
Der Anfang des Tages war irgendwie ein Fail. Auf der Homepage der Stadt hatte ich zuvor gelesen, dass es eine Sonderöffnung des sonst an dem Tag geschlossenen Arsenal gäbe. Also sind wir erst zum Markusplatz gefahren, haben den Markusdom besichtigt, in dem man leider nicht fotografieren durfte und sind dann weiter zum * . Nachdem wir erst eine halbe Stunde auf der Suche nach dem Eingang waren, stellte sich herraus, dass es doch keine Sonderöffnung gab. Also sind wir durch die Gassen zurück zu unserem nächsten Ziel.
Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Outfit - Venice Day 4
If you imagine your outfits just in your head, most of the time they look different in reality. Often the proportions don't match in the way you thought they would. And this was my problem in Venice (next to the crinkle-prob the day before:). So I quickly bought a dress in a random venician boutique to avoid the outfit combination issue. Fortunatelly tthe weather remained good till the evening, when we travelled back home.
Wenn man sich Outfits im Kopf vorstellt, sehen sie in der Realität dann doch ziemlich anders aus. Oft passen dann die Proportionen nicht so zusammen, wie man es sich erdacht hatte. Das war dann auch mein Problem in Venedig (zusätzlich zu meinem "Knitterproblem").Also habe ich mir schnell noch ein Kleid in einer kleinen venezianischen Boutique gekauft, weil ich schon am Tag zuvor mit meiner Outfitzusammenstellung überfordert war. Zum Glück war auch relativ gutes Wetter, welches sich erst am Ende des Tages in ein Unwetter verwandelt hat.
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