Well, actually I also wanted to show you my 2. New Years Eve outfit in my last post, because normally a sweater and jeans are not the outfit, that I prefer if I go to a party. But unfortunately I didn't have time to take some photos at home and the few partypics don't show much. So probably I have to take some pics in a bit and deliver them as an addition.
Thursday, 3 January 2013
New Years Party (updated)
Hello Bello! Eigentlich wollt ich ja in meinem Silvesterpost auch noch mein 2. Outfit präsentieren, da Pulli und Jeans ja nicht mein präferiertes Partyoutfit sind. Aber leider kam ich in dem Aufbruchsstress nicht dazu mich noch knipsen zu lassen und auf den wenigen Partyfotos kann man auch nicht die ganzen Ausmaße erkennen,;) Also muss ich gleich wohl noch kurz shooten und als Nachschlag liefern.
Well, actually I also wanted to show you my 2. New Years Eve outfit in my last post, because normally a sweater and jeans are not the outfit, that I prefer if I go to a party. But unfortunately I didn't have time to take some photos at home and the few partypics don't show much. So probably I have to take some pics in a bit and deliver them as an addition.
Well, actually I also wanted to show you my 2. New Years Eve outfit in my last post, because normally a sweater and jeans are not the outfit, that I prefer if I go to a party. But unfortunately I didn't have time to take some photos at home and the few partypics don't show much. So probably I have to take some pics in a bit and deliver them as an addition.
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
2013 - Hello!
Tick Tack, und wieder ist ein Jahr rum und auch schon der erste Tag. Deshalb zuerst einmal ein "Frohes Neues Jahr"! Trotz der Müdigkeit durch die gestrige Feierei, für einen Post mit den Fotos von gestern,reicht noch knapp meine Energy aus. Den Abend haben wir zuerst mit Raclette verbracht. Aber nach 2 Pfännchen war bei mir auch Schicht im Schacht und ich war voll. Dann konnt ich mich den Cocktails widmen. Das grüne Gesöff ist ne Mischung aus Rum, Malibu, Blue Curacao und Osaft und köstlicher als es aussieht. Nach der üblichen Knallerei waren wir dann noch ein wenig dancen. Zwar erst umhalb 3, aber besser als nichts. Party like it's 1999,lalalala.
Tick tock, once again one year has passed and even the first day. So at the beginning i wish you a "Happy New Year! I'm still really tired, but some energy is left to write a post. We started the evening with raclette, but after 2 pans i have had enough. So i had time to mix some cocktails. The green swill is a mix of rum, Malibu, Blue Curacoa and orangejuice and tastes better than it looks.After the traditional fireworks we went to club. Not untill half past 2,but anything is better than nothing. Party like it's 1999,lalalala.
Tick tock, once again one year has passed and even the first day. So at the beginning i wish you a "Happy New Year! I'm still really tired, but some energy is left to write a post. We started the evening with raclette, but after 2 pans i have had enough. So i had time to mix some cocktails. The green swill is a mix of rum, Malibu, Blue Curacoa and orangejuice and tastes better than it looks.After the traditional fireworks we went to club. Not untill half past 2,but anything is better than nothing. Party like it's 1999,lalalala.
Friday, 28 December 2012
Autumn in winter
Bevor ich dann mal ein paar weihnachtliche Fotos poste,was ja schon fast zu spät ist, noch mal ein Nachtrag.
Ich muss mal n bißchen Ordnung in mein Foto-wirrwarr bringen und meine Speicherkarten bereinigen. Und da stiess ich grade auf Fotos die ich vor 2-3 Wochen gemacht hab. Taadaaa...
Before I post some christmaspics here, even if it seems to be too late already,here some photos i shot 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Ich muss mal n bißchen Ordnung in mein Foto-wirrwarr bringen und meine Speicherkarten bereinigen. Und da stiess ich grade auf Fotos die ich vor 2-3 Wochen gemacht hab. Taadaaa...
Before I post some christmaspics here, even if it seems to be too late already,here some photos i shot 2 or 3 weeks ago.
Monday, 24 December 2012
Spikie says...(part2)
Frohe Weihnachten! Aber erstmal muss er sich für ein Kostüm entscheiden. Weihnachtsbaum oder Weihnachtsmann? Die Entscheidung fällt ihm schwer!
Merry Christmas! But first he has to decide which costume he wants to wear this evening! Christmastree or Santa Claus? A difficult decision!
Merry Christmas! But first he has to decide which costume he wants to wear this evening! Christmastree or Santa Claus? A difficult decision!
Saturday, 22 December 2012
Spikie sagt...
Guten Tag! Und was hat er heute in seinem Kalender? Oh, Schokodrops!:) Sehr beliebt bei den Hunden, aber nur die Weissen! Hätte ich mal alle Türchen dokumentiert. Die Studie hätte ich für viel Geld an ein Meinungsforschungsinstitut verticken können.
Spikie says...Good afternoon! And what's in his calender today? Oh, chocolate!:) Very popular with our dogs, but only the white ones. Unfortunately i didn't document the whole calender. I could have sold the study for plenty of cash to an opinion research center!:)
Spikie says...Good afternoon! And what's in his calender today? Oh, chocolate!:) Very popular with our dogs, but only the white ones. Unfortunately i didn't document the whole calender. I could have sold the study for plenty of cash to an opinion research center!:)
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