
Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Vienna Outfit No.2 - My little Pony

There are days, when even I don't care much about some outfitpics. This is, of course, when I don't feel that amazing, like on that day, when we partied too much the other night. You just want to function and get done as much sightseeing as possible, even though you are super hungover. But often just the beginning of the day is hard and after eating, drinking coffee and walking around and getting distracted, you feel better and better by the minute. So I managed to do some quick snaps from my jeans-tshirt-leatherjacket-sightseeinguniform. But since then I got wiser, because you always have to have a pair of sunglasses with you, so you can hide your tired eyes behind them.

Es gibt Tage, da ist sogar mir nicht nach Outfitfotoknipsen - naja, ist klar, wenn man die halbe Nacht gefeiert hat und man einfach zu fertig ist, um vernünftig zu posen und auch dementsprechend scheiße aussieht. Man probiert einfach zu funktionieren und sightseeingmäßig noch das Beste aus dem Tag zu holen. Aber für ein paar Fotos hat es an dem Tag dann doch gereicht... Aber mittlerweile bin ich schlauer, denn man sollte immer eine Sonnenbrille dabei haben, um seine müden Augen dahinter zu verstecken.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Vienna Day Two - The Imperial Treasury

After clubbing almost all night long, since we can never get enough, we continued with museum sightseeing the next day. Who would have thought?!
The Imperial Treasury is located at the Hofburg, but is actually part of the Museum of Fine Arts, which we visited the day before and where we bought a combined ticket for both locations, because I knew, I definitely wanted to see this collection of jewels, since I'm a little magpie.

Nach unserer Partynacht ging es am nächsten Tag natürlich weiter mit Museen, wer hätte es gedacht?! Die Schatzkammer befindet sich zwar in der Hofburg, zählt aber als Abteilung des Kunsthistorischen Museums. Da wir am Tag zuvor in diesem waren, haben wir uns dort gleich ein Kombiticket für beide Museen geholt. 

Monday, 4 November 2019

Night Out in Vienna

Since we are complete night owls and even get more active at night, I always search the internet for evening events or parties. I found an event in a location called the MuseumsQuartier near our hotel. So after we did sightseeing for some hours, we were quiet hungry and since Tim definitely wanted to eat Schnitzel in Vienna, we went to the well known Figlmüller restaurant and did some windowshopping on our way to the next location. The actual event was almost over, but an afterparty took place, where stayed too long, as we always do.:)

Da wir ja absolute Nachtmenschen sind und in der Nacht noch aktiver werden, gucke ich immer, was das Nightlife der Städte zu bieten hat. In der Nähe unseres Hotels befand sich das Museumsquartier und dort sollte ein Event stattfinden. Nach den Museen waren wir natürlich total ausgehungert und Tim hatte Schnitzelessen auf seiner Wien-Bucketlist, also sind wir zu dem bekannten Restaurant Figlmüller gegangen und danach weiter Richtung Museumsquartier.